Go ye therefore and make disciples
Grace WomenA woman’s portion is so important. Our presence can be like glue when things want to fall apart. We can be the secret strength when others around us need space to grow. This is a place designed for women. We help train you as God continues to call you to Himself. We support you, when you find it hard to believe in a better future. We help equip you for your future ministry. Many will be the better for it.
About Us
God’s Word…
“which we have heard, and known, and our fathers have told us, we will not hide them from their children [our sisters] … that the generation to come might know them, even the children which should be born; who should arise and declare them to their children” (Psalm 78:1-6). What a progression is found in these verses—generation to generation to generation!! Indeed, what a responsibility is given us, even today!
We would not shrink back, turn away, pretend we have not heard, nor act as if we misunderstand. We would dare to be bold. We would dare to believe God for great things. We understand that great things are not defined by eyesight … nor circumstance . . . nor ability . . . nor even the approval of man … Great things are defined by faith, a small mustard seed and His faithfulness. So as to how many women we will reach? It is enough to say, “We have a great God!” Join us in believing Him for this generation’s Amy Carmichaels, Isobel Kuhns, Lilias Trotters, and Mary Slessors.
Current Ministries
See What We’re Up To

Women's HOmes
We currently run two women’s homes in York. God is still God in the details, and with a women’s home, we are able to impart spiritual strategy down to the smallest detail. This translates to areas such as time management, self-discipline, vocational training, and of course, the day-to-day details of personal training regarding the life of a woman.
Up & Out

World Missions
We have been blessed to have family all over the world through world missions. We have ministered in over 60 countries worldwide and find world missions critical to the calling of God and the discipling of others. Along the way, we have been able train younger women on strategies for living on the mission field and ministering cross culturally and some continue to serve on the mission field today.
Grace Women has had the privilege of partnering with an organization called TeenHaven.Live for the past 5 years. The director has been ministering in York for going on 30 years now and is on his third generation of youth. Mr. Alex can’t go anywhere in town without someone shouting out his name, grateful that he has come alongside them at some point and saved their spiritual and/or physical life. We have greatly enjoyed enlarging the ministry to these youth by supporting Teen Haven in educational and vocational pursuits, church life, one-on-one discipleship, and missionary opportunities.

Our Retreat House
Pray for the details of our retreat house. God gave us an amazing property on a secluded piece of land backed up to a state park in Pennsylvania. The house is on the slow train of gradual renovations but we have the vision to have this space for future retreats and missionary housing. It is the epitome of “come away and rest awhile”.
Christmas 2021
Back in 2010, our founder, La Tascha Brown, was deeply burdened by those who were down-and-out during the holiday season. For many, this time of year reminds them of a lost loved one, a bad divorce, a broken family, no family, or their poverty and inability to provide for their family. The Christmas season holds some of the highest suicide rates of the year. How much more this year with COVID-19! We could really use your help.
Please pray for us.
The day is late and the time is short. Pray that our walks with him grow closer and closer each day as we receive strength for the daily ministry of our Father's business.