Since 2016
Joining forces to reach teens.
THe Need
Grace Women is geared towards women of all ages, backgrounds, and stages in life. Inevitably, these women have children. More commonly than ever, single moms are raising children. We struggled for some years as children fell outside of our mission statement even though they were inseparable from the lives of these women. Therefore, for over 5 years now, Grace Women has partnered with TeenHaven.Live to help teens and young people grow up in the Lord. It is with such joy that large gaps in ministry have been filled and young people can find godly friends, counsel, and assistance. Through this partnership, we are able to help raise teens, pour into the lives of family members and help in the lives of all those they come in contact with. As we minister in the city, travel the world, and love all those we meet, many more can now be reached.

The transition from teen to “grown up”
Transition is hard! Just because you’re 18 doesn’t mean you’re ready to go out on your own. Up & Out is designed to help see at-risk youth through the process of transition from High School to college or a trade.
Please pray for us.
The day is late and the time is short. Pray that our walks with him grow closer and closer each day as we receive strength for the daily ministry of our Father's business.